Make your own greeting cards.

For this card I used four diamond shaped tiles, one heart print and scraps of coloured paper to match.
First print out the four diamond tiles and the one heart print.
Cut out the prints and use the heart print as a pattern to cut out two more hearts out of scrap paper in colours that match the prints.
For this card, it is not practical to use a felt pen to draw the squiggly lines because the lighter colours would not show up against the darker coloured paper.
To get around this problem I cut the squiggly line from scraps of coloured paper. You can use any sort of paper, Search through old magazines to find pages that have large areas of plain coloured printing and use them for cutting out your squigglies.
The little squares are also cut from scrap paper.
Glue the hearts on first.
Next attach the squiggly lines.
Then the diamond tiles
Then the little squares.

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