Make your own cards - Brand New Tea Bag Tiles made just for you!

How to print these tea bag tiles

1. Say you want tiles with pink in them, type pink in the first keyword box and click the Search button
2. Then all of the tiles with pink in the keyword list that I set up (behind the scenes) will display
3. Pick the ones you'd like to print by clicking on the little box above the relevant tiles
4. Scroll back to the top of the page
5. Decide what size you want to pirnt - common settings for printing are
   a. 150 (4 per row)
   b. rows = 2
   c. gap = 2
   d. Square
8. then click the Create Print Sheet button
9. You will then get a page of tiles showing in your browser
10. Use the print function in your browser to print them off. I recommend using the Print Preview function first to make sure the tiles aren't going to be chopped off anywhere when you do actually print.
If you have tiles you have saved from somewhere else and want to use my print function then you will need a userid and pw - that allows you to upload those tiles to a private area just for that userid on my website and you can then print in a similar manner to above (without the search step).

For small prints, copy directly from here. For full size prints click the thumbnail to enlarge.
Please read and follow my copyright rules.

Make your own cards - Brand New Flower Tea Bag Tiles made just for you!

A Victorian Valentine with Tea Bag Folding

I have been looking through the sampling of Valentine's Day cards in the Treasury of Greeting Card Designs from Dover and I find it interesting to observe the differences in today's Valentine's Day cards and those done in the late 1800's.
Two of the changes I noticed right away are that the cards of yesteryear used the color red much more sparingly and frequently incorporated violets, a flower which is not seen nearly as often in today's Valentine's cards. Roses were also popular, but were usually interspersed with other flowers as well.
Here's a card I made using one of the images from the Dover treasury as a base.

To create the tiles for the tea bag medallion, I loaded the image into Kaleidoscope Kreator 3 and zoomed in on the violets that were in the lower left corner. Here's the tile:

I printed it out at 1.75 x 1.75 inches. The fold I used can be found here:
After folding the medallion, I gave it a border by mounting it on two, two-inch squares of dark green card stock. I also added a little pink jewel-flower to the center.
Materials & equipment used to make this card:
  • 4" x 6" card blank (ivory)
  • Art from Treasury of Greeting Card Designs
  • 8 tea bag tiles
  • Gold peel-off border
  • Queen & Co. flower-shaped jewel
  • Tea bag folding instructions
  • Dark green card stock.

For small prints, copy directly from here. For full size prints click the thumbnail to enlarge.
Please read and follow my copyright rules.

Make your own cards - Tea Bag Tiles - Square

Print your pages on thin, yet crisp paper. Cut out your little squares carefully and fold diagonal and in half in both directions. Fold sharp crisp lines.

For small prints, copy directly from here. For full size prints click the thumbnail to enlarge.
Please read and follow my copyright rules.